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Childcare Voucher Codes
Our Venues Childcare Voucher Codes
Baden Powell
Ofsted (Tax - Free) : 2758809
Hamworthy Park Junior School
Ofsted (Tax - Free) : 2758837
Ocean Academy School
Ofsted (Tax - Free) : 2758828
Ringwood School
Ofsted (Tax - Free) : 2736912
Other Codes
Ocean: P21349100
Hamworthy: P21349118
Baden: P21349126
Ringwood: P21345819
Ringwood: 45072178
Ocean: 28642085
Hamworthy: 37632757
Baden: 28583230
Ringwood: 0019647242
Ocean: 0026955200
Baden: 0026955227
Hamworthy: 0026955251
Fideliti – CAS093C
Co-op Childcare – 85114339
Sodexo – 846003
Childcare Grant Payment Scheme
Baden Powell: CCG4576384
Ocean: CCG9523582
Ringwood: CCG5288929
Hamworthy: CCG7637594
If you need a postcode for your childcare provider, then please use:
Ringwood: BH24 1NH
Hamworthy: BH15 4DG
Ocean: BH14 0PZ
Baden Powell: BH14 8UL
If your childcare provider is not here then please get in touch.
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